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Structural engineering student explores better building materials

After earning both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in civil engineering, working for several years in industry, and ultimately being laid off due to the pandemic, Kara Stall made the decision to return to academia to pursue her doctoral degree. Her journey to the University of Cincinnati was facilitated by her former undergraduate advisor connecting her with her current PhD advisor. Upon her arrival, she wasted no time getting involved in the UC community, serving as a TA for five courses in the Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering and Construction Management, serving on the executive board of the Civil Engineering Graduate Student Association, and was recently named Graduate Student Engineer of the Month by the College of Engineering and Applied Science.

After earning both her bachelor's and master's degrees in civil engineering, working for several years in industry, and ultimately being laid off due to the pandemic, Kara Stall made the decision to return to academia to pursue her doctoral degree. Her journey to the University of Cincinnati was facilitated by her former undergraduate adviser connecting her with her doctoral adviser. 

Upon her arrival, she wasted no time getting involved in the UC community, serving as teaching assistant for five courses in the Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering and Construction Management. She also served on the executive board of the Civil Engineering Graduate Student Association and was recently named Graduate Student Engineer of the Month by the College of Engineering and Applied Science. 

Kara Stall headshot

Kara Stall returned to academia for her doctoral degree in structural engineering after working several years in industry. Photo/Provided

My path to UC has been rather unconventional. I earned my bachelor's degree from Purdue University after which I spent four years working in industry while simultaneously earning my Professional Engineering License and a master's degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

After being laid off during COVID-19, I ultimately decided to return to academia to pursue my PhD. 

Having visited Cincinnati in the past, I knew this city was a place that I already loved, but what ultimately led me to attend UC was having my former undergraduate adviser recommend me to my current adviser, Dr. Rachel Cross.

After speaking with her, I found that not only did we have similar backgrounds and research interests, but I could tell that UC would be a place where I would be able to succeed in my own studies as well as have the opportunity to get involved and make a lasting impact on those around me. 

Why did you choose your field of study?

Growing up, I dreamed of being an architect. I grew up near Chicago and always marveled at the diverse architectural styles present in the buildings in and around the city. However, a lack of artistic talent and a passion for math, physics and LEGOs led me instead to structural engineering.

The challenges of designing sustainable and long-lasting buildings drew me in, not only for the technical nuances of building design but also, more importantly, for the impact that these structures have on the communities that they serve. 

Briefly describe your research work. What problems do you hope to solve?

I am working on a project funded by the American Institute of Steel Construction to look at characterizing the mechanical behavior of structural steel with higher strengths than what is conventionally used in industry.

I am working to identify the representative material properties that will be relevant in steel building design, such as the materials stress-strain behavior, the pattern of residual stress in the steel members and its rotational ductility. These tested material properties will be further used in finite element analyses to propose changes to the current steel design equations that are found in today’s building codes.

Due to the nature of this higher-strength steel, its implementation in building design has the potential to provide some great advantages over the steel currently allowed by the building code, such as a reduction in building materials needed for construction, a reduction in building construction costs and a decrease in environmental impacts, namely carbon emissions.

The results of this study could directly impact changes to the design codes for steel buildings and become standard practice within the industry.

What are some of the most impactful experiences during your time at UC?

Kara Stall sits on the steps of the University of Cincinnati's Baldwin Hall

Kara Stall plans to graduate in 2026 and pursue a full-time faculty position. Photo/Provided

During my time at UC, some of my most impactful experiences have come from my involvement on the executive boards of the Civil Engineering Graduate Student Association as well as the UC Structural Engineering Institute Graduate Student Chapter.

I have had the opportunity to serve as president for both organizations and have used these executive positions to enhance the opportunities for the graduate students within my department by organizing different social, academic and networking events.

Most notably, in the fall of 2023, the institute's grad student chapter hosted a large symposium event on campus, titled “Innovations in Structural Engineering Education,” which was organized by me and one other executive member. This symposium brought together many local industry professionals as well as national leaders in structural engineering to participate in panel discussions and breakout sessions on the current challenges and opportunities for future structural engineering students.

What are a few of your accomplishments of which you are most proud?

In the Fall of 2023, I was awarded a travel grant by the American Institute of Steel Construction to attend their biannual task committee meetings, where I was given the opportunity to network with research and industry leaders who are responsible for writing the steel building code. The experience of being able to see the work that goes on behind the scenes of the building code was invaluable as it helped me to understand the process required for making updates to the code as I hope to do with the results of my research work in high strength steels.

Another accomplishment that I am proud of was being asked to co-lead a conference session at SEICON24: The Steel Conference, in March 2024, where three other students and I presented our experiences as students and young professionals in the structural engineering industry. We held breakout sessions where we solicited feedback from audience members on the desired direction of the industry and what types of challenges and opportunities the next generation of structural engineers may face.

When do you expect to graduate? What are your plans after earning your degree?

I am currently planning to graduate in 2026, after which I hope to find a full-time faculty position. I would like to continue to expand on my research interests while also getting the opportunity to educate the next generation of structural engineers. 

Do you have any other hobbies or involvements you'd like to share?

In my spare time I enjoy hanging out with my family and spending time outdoors. I have a passion for hiking and camping and currently have a personal goal to visit every national park in the United States.

I also enjoy taking my two-year-old daughter on different outings to museums, parks and the zoo. Getting to watch her grow and learn about the world has been one of the most rewarding experiences and I am so excited to see the person that she becomes.

Featured image at top: Kara Stall is studying the improvement of building materials. Photo/Pixabay

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